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Product Disclaimer

The information, technical details, and suggestions provided are believed, to the best of our knowledge, to be accurate as of the current date. However, since the conditions and methods of product use and the referenced information are beyond our control, Ethomer explicitly disclaims any liability for the results obtained or any consequences arising from the product's use or reliance on such information. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the end-user to ensure that the final product is safe for its intended use, performs as expected, and complies with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. We do not provide any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, warranty of merchantability, or any other expressed or implied warranty concerning the described product or the information provided herein.

The information provided only pertains to the specified product and may not be applicable when the product is used in combination with other materials or in any specific process.


Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for health and safety considerations.


It is essential for the user to conduct thorough testing of the product before proceeding with commercialization. Nothing stated here should be interpreted as a license to practice any patent, nor should it be considered as an encouragement to infringe any patent. The user is advised to take appropriate measures to ensure that any intended use of the product does not infringe on any patents.

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